#' WP method background function WP_known #' #' This is a background/internal function called by \code{WP}. It computes the maximum #' likelihood estimator of R0 assuming that the serial distribution is known and finite discrete. #' #' @param NT vector of case counts #' @param p discretized version of the serial distribution #' @return The function returns \code{Rhat}, the maximum likelihood estimator of R0. #' #' @export WP_known <- function(NT, p) { k <- length(p) TT <- length(NT) - 1 mu_t <- rep(0, TT) for (i in 1:TT) { Nt <- NT[i:max(1, i-k+1)] mu_t[i] <- sum(p[1:min(k, i)] * Nt) } Rhat <- sum(NT[-1]) / sum(mu_t) return(list(Rhat=Rhat)) }