diff options
11 files changed, 195 insertions, 517 deletions
diff --git a/data.R b/data.R
deleted file mode 100644
index a07372a..0000000
--- a/data.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,363 +0,0 @@
-# Main logic block for data-related interactions.
-data_logic <- function(input, output, react_values) {
- # Initialize a data frame to hold the datasets.
- react_values$data_table <- data.frame(
- Name = character(0),
- `Time units` = character(0),
- `Case counts` = character(0),
- check.names = FALSE
- )
- render_plot(input, output)
- single_entry(input, output, react_values)
- bulk_entry(input, output, react_values)
- upload_entry(input, output, react_values)
- sample_entry(input, output, react_values)
- render_data(output, react_values)
- delete_data(input, react_values)
- export_data(output, react_values)
-warnings <- function(df, df_elems) {
- warning_text <- ''
- # Ensure the dataset names are neither blank nor duplicates.
- if (anyNA(df_elems[[1]]) || any(df_elems[[1]] == "")) {
- warning_text <- paste0(warning_text, sep = "<br>",
- "Each row must begin with a non-blank dataset name."
- )
- }
- if (length(unique(df_elems[[1]])) != length(df_elems[[1]])) {
- warning_text <- paste0(warning_text, sep = "<br>",
- "The rows contain duplicate dataset names."
- )
- }
- if (any(df_elems[[1]] %in% react_values$data_table[, 1])) {
- warning_text <- paste0(warning_text, sep = "<br>",
- "The rows contain dataset names which already exist."
- )
- }
- # Ensure the second entry in each row is a time unit equal to
- # "Days" or "Weeks".
- if (!all(df_elems[[2]] %in% c("Days", "Weeks"))) {
- warning_text <- paste0(warning_text, sep = "<br>",
- "The second entry in each row must be either 'Days' or 'Weeks'."
- )
- }
- # Ensure the counts in each row have at least one non-negative integer.
- if (any(df_elems[[3]] == "")) {
- warning_text <- paste0(warning_text, sep = "<br>",
- "Each row must contain at least one non-negative integer."
- )
- }
- return(warning_text)
-# Convert the input case counts string to an integer vector.
-tokenize_counts <- function(counts_str) {
- suppressWarnings(as.integer(unlist(strsplit(trimws(counts_str), ","))))
-# Render the preview plot for single entry data.
-render_plot <- function(input, output) {
- observe({
- counts <- tokenize_counts(input$data_counts)
- if (length(counts) > 0 && !anyNA(counts) && all(counts >= 0)) {
- output$data_plot <- renderPlot(
- plot(seq_along(counts) - 1, counts, type = "o", pch = 16, col = "black",
- xlab = input$data_units, ylab = "Cases", cex.lab = 1.5,
- xlim = c(0, max(length(counts) - 1, 1)), ylim = c(0, max(counts, 1))
- )
- )
- } else {
- output$data_plot <- renderPlot(
- plot(NULL, xlim = c(0, 10), ylim = c(0, 10),
- xlab = input$data_units, ylab = "Cases", cex.lab = 1.5
- )
- )
- }
- })
-# Add a single dataset to the existing table.
-single_entry <- function(input, output, react_values) {
- observeEvent(input$data_single, {
- valid <- TRUE
- # Ensure the dataset name is neither blank nor a duplicate.
- name <- trimws(input$data_name)
- if (name == "") {
- output$data_name_warn <- renderText("The dataset name cannot be blank.")
- valid <- FALSE
- } else if (name %in% react_values$data_table[, 1]) {
- output$data_name_warn <- renderText(
- "There is already a dataset with the specified name."
- )
- valid <- FALSE
- } else {
- output$data_name_warn <- renderText("")
- }
- # Ensure the case counts are specified as a comma-separated of one or more
- # non-negative integers.
- counts <- tokenize_counts(input$data_counts)
- if (length(counts) == 0) {
- output$data_counts_warn <- renderText("Case counts cannot be blank.")
- valid <- FALSE
- } else if (anyNA(counts) || any(counts < 0)) {
- output$data_counts_warn <- renderText(
- "Case counts can only contain non-negative integers."
- )
- valid <- FALSE
- } else {
- output$data_counts_warn <- renderText("")
- }
- if (valid) {
- # Add the new dataset to the data table.
- new_row <- data.frame(name, input$data_units, toString(counts))
- colnames(new_row) <- c("Name", "Time units", "Case counts")
- react_values$data_table <- rbind(react_values$data_table, new_row)
- # Evaluate all existing estimators on the new dataset and update the
- # corresponding row in the estimates table.
- update_estimates_rows(new_row, react_values)
- showNotification("Dataset added successfully.",
- duration = 3, id = "notify-success"
- )
- }
- })
-# Add multiple datasets to the existing table.
-bulk_entry <- function(input, output, react_values) {
- observeEvent(input$data_bulk, {
- tryCatch(
- {
- datasets <- read.csv(text = input$data_area, header = FALSE, sep = ",")
- names <- trimws(datasets[, 1])
- units <- trimws(datasets[, 2])
- counts <- apply(datasets[, 3:ncol(datasets)], 1,
- function(row) {
- row <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(row))
- toString(row[! & row >= 0])
- }
- )
- output$data_area_warn <- renderText("")
- warning_text <- warnings(datasets, list(names, units, counts))
- if (warning_text == "") {
- # Add the new datasets to the data table.
- new_rows <- data.frame(names, units, counts)
- colnames(new_rows) <- c("Name", "Time units", "Case counts")
- react_values$data_table <- rbind(react_values$data_table, new_rows)
- # Evaluate all existing estimators on the new dataset and update the
- # corresponding row in the estimates table.
- update_estimates_rows(new_rows, react_values)
- showNotification("Datasets added successfully.",
- duration = 3, id = "notify-success"
- )
- } else {
- output$data_area_warn <- renderUI(HTML(warning_text))
- }
- },
- error = function(e) {
- output$data_area_warn <- renderText(
- "The input does not match the required format."
- )
- }
- )
- })
-# Upload datasets to the existing table.
-upload_entry <- function(input, output, react_values) {
- observeEvent(input$data_load, {
- tryCatch(
- {
- df <- read.csv(file = input$upload_csv$datapath)
- names <- trimws(df[, 1])
- units <- trimws(df[, 2])
- counts <- sapply(tokenize_counts(df[, 3:ncol(df)]),
- function(row) {
- row <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(row))
- toString(row[! & row >= 0])
- }
- )
- output$data_load_warn <- renderText("")
- warning_text <- ''
- warning_text <- warnings(df, list(names, units, counts))
- if (warning_text == "") {
- # Add the new datasets to the data table.
- new_rows <- read.csv(file = input$upload_csv$datapath)
- colnames(new_rows) <- c("Name", "Time units", "Case counts")
- react_values$data_table <- rbind(react_values$data_table, new_rows)
- # Evaluate all existing estimators on the new dataset and update the
- # corresponding row in the estimates table.
- update_estimates_rows(new_rows, react_values)
- showNotification("Datasets added successfully.",
- duration = 3, id = "notify-success")
- } else {
- output$data_load_warn <- renderUI(HTML(warning_text))
- }
- },
- error = function(e) {
- output$data_load_warn <- renderText(
- "The input does not match the required format."
- )
- }
- )
- })
-# Add sample datasets to the existing table.
-sample_entry <- function(input, output, react_values) {
- observeEvent(input$sample_entry, {
- tryCatch(
- {
- # datasets <- read.csv(text = input$sample, header = FALSE, sep = ",")
- names <- c()
- units <- c()
- counts <-c()
- if (input$march){
- names <- append(names, c("Covid-19 March 2020"))
- units<-append(units, c("Daily"))
- counts<-append(counts,c(covid_cases[1]))}
- if (input$april){ names <- append(names, c("Covid-19 April 2020"))
- units<-append(units, c("Daily"))
- counts<-append(counts,c(covid_cases[2]))}
- if (input$may){ names <- append(names, c("Covid-19 May 2020"))
- units<-append(units, c("Daily"))
- counts<-append(counts,c(covid_cases[3]))}
- if (input$june){ names <- append(names, c("Covid-19 June 2020"))
- units<-append(units, c("Daily"))
- counts<-append(counts,c(covid_cases[4]))}
- if (input$july){ names <- append(names, c("Covid-19 July 2020"))
- units<-append(units, c("Daily"))
- counts<-append(counts,c(covid_cases[5]))}
- warning_text <- ""
- # Ensure the dataset names are not duplicates.
- if (any(names %in% react_values$data_table[, 1])) {
- warning_text <- paste0(warning_text, sep = "<br>",
- "The rows contain dataset names which already exist."
- )
- }
- output$sample_area_warn <- renderUI(HTML(warning_text))
- if (warning_text == "") {
- # Add the new datasets to the data table.
- new_rows <- data.frame(names, units, counts)
- colnames(new_rows) <- c("Name", "Time units", "Case counts")
- react_values$data_table <- rbind(react_values$data_table, new_rows)
- # Evaluate all existing estimators on the new dataset and update the
- # corresponding row in the estimates table.
- update_estimates_rows(new_rows, react_values)
- showNotification("Datasets added successfully.",
- duration = 3, id = "notify-success"
- )
- }
- }
- )
- })
-# Render the data table when new datasets are added.
-render_data <- function(output, react_values) {
- observe({
- output$data_table <- DT::renderDataTable(react_values$data_table)
- })
-# Delete rows in the data table,
-# and the corresponding rows in the estimates table.
-delete_data <- function(input, react_values) {
- observeEvent(input$data_delete, {
- new_table <- react_values$data_table[-input$data_table_rows_selected, ]
- if (nrow(new_table) > 0) {
- rownames(new_table) <- seq_len(nrow(new_table))
- }
- react_values$data_table <- new_table
- if (ncol(react_values$estimates_table) == 1) {
- react_values$estimates_table <- data.frame(
- Datasets = react_values$data_table[, 1]
- )
- } else {
- react_values$estimates_table <-
- react_values$estimates_table[-input$data_table_rows_selected, ]
- }
- })
-# Export data table as a CSV file.
-export_data <- function(output, react_values) {
- output$data_export <- downloadHandler(
- filename = function() {
- paste0("Rnaught_data_", format(Sys.time(), "%y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"), ".csv")
- },
- content = function(file) {
- write.csv(react_values$data_table, file, row.names = FALSE)
- }
- )
-# When new datasets are added, evaluate all existing estimators on them and
-# add new rows to the estimates table.
-update_estimates_rows <- function(datasets, react_values) {
- new_rows <- data.frame(
- matrix(nrow = nrow(datasets), ncol = ncol(react_values$estimates_table))
- )
- colnames(new_rows) <- colnames(react_values$estimates_table)
- for (row in seq_len(nrow(datasets))) {
- new_rows[row, 1] <- datasets[row, 1]
- if (length(react_values$estimators) > 0) {
- for (col in 2:ncol(react_values$estimates_table)) {
- new_rows[row, col] <- eval_estimator(
- react_values$estimators[[col - 1]], datasets[row, ]
- )
- }
- }
- }
- react_values$estimates_table <- rbind(
- react_values$estimates_table, new_rows
- )
-#Sample datasets case counts
-covid_cases = c("7,1,13,10,6,10,13,28,47,53,62,90,88,130,143,150,186,276,279,350,458,604,570,667,878,883,785,1085,1252",
- "1469,1278,1346,1119,1109,1120,1202,1429,1178,1337,1165,1312,1551,1633,1870,1688,1888,1702,1535,1549,1563,1583,1777,1511,1482,1298,1350,1422,1502,1546",
- "1499,1330,1232,1205,1101,1306,1317,1187,1115,997,953,903,1086,1101,1198,1133,1219,1057,954,1061,1056,1094,922,884,963,660,762,781,1038,763,827",
- "678,656,602,545,557,497,464,411,391,481,402,427,380,322,309,345,358,375,373,300,315,340,288,297,280,330,344,358,242,267",
- "315,291,267,284,244,220,269,313,359,343,348,351,277,362,451,443,517,490,457,472,507,509,573,497,425,408,344,493,405,466,455")
diff --git a/enter-data.html b/enter-data.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ff82f2..0000000
--- a/enter-data.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-<div class="row mb-5">
- <form class="col-md">
- {{ htmlTemplate("templates/content/data/enter-data/single-entry.html") }}
- </form>
- <div class="col-md mt-5 mt-md-0 d-flex flex-column align-items-center">
- <h5>Data plot</h5>
- {{ plotOutput(outputId = "data_plot") }}
- </div>
- {{ htmlTemplate("templates/content/data/enter-data/bulk-entry.html") }}
- {{ htmlTemplate("templates/content/data/enter-data/uploadData-entry.html") }}
- {{ htmlTemplate("templates/content/data/enter-data/sample-entry.html") }}
-</form> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inst/app/index.html b/inst/app/index.html
index b0f1245..504918d 100644
--- a/inst/app/index.html
+++ b/inst/app/index.html
@@ -5,12 +5,7 @@
{{ headContent() }}
<title>Rnaught Web</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">
- <!-- Enable tooltips. -->
- <script>
- $(document).ready(function(){
- $('[data-bs-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip();
- });
- </script>
+ <script src="script.js"></script>
<body class="d-flex flex-column h-100">
diff --git a/inst/app/scripts/data.R b/inst/app/scripts/data.R
index eebd14f..02b57c5 100644
--- a/inst/app/scripts/data.R
+++ b/inst/app/scripts/data.R
@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ data_logic <- function(input, output, react_values) {
render_plot(input, output)
single_entry(input, output, react_values)
- bulk_entry(input, output, react_values)
+ manual_bulk_entry(input, output, react_values)
+ upload_data(input, output, react_values)
+ load_samples(input, output, react_values)
render_data(output, react_values)
delete_data(input, react_values)
export_data(output, react_values)
@@ -93,80 +95,143 @@ single_entry <- function(input, output, react_values) {
-# Add multiple datasets to the existing table.
-bulk_entry <- function(input, output, react_values) {
+manual_bulk_entry <- function(input, output, react_values) {
observeEvent(input$data_bulk, {
- tryCatch(
- {
- datasets <- read.csv(text = input$data_area, header = FALSE, sep = ",")
+ validate_bulk_data(input, output, react_values, "data_area")
+ })
- names <- trimws(datasets[, 1])
- units <- trimws(datasets[, 2])
- counts <- apply(datasets[, 3:ncol(datasets)], 1,
- function(row) {
- row <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(row))
- toString(row[! & row >= 0])
- }
- )
+upload_data <- function(input, output, react_values) {
+ observeEvent(input$data_upload, {
+ validate_bulk_data(input, output, react_values, "data_upload")
+ })
- warning_text <- ""
+validate_bulk_data <- function(input, output, react_values, data_source) {
+ tryCatch(
+ {
+ if (data_source == "data_area") {
+ datasets <- read.csv(text = input$data_area, header = FALSE, sep = ",")
+ } else if (data_source == "data_upload") {
+ datasets <- read.csv(
+ file = input$data_upload$datapath, header = FALSE, sep = ","
+ )
+ }
- # Ensure the dataset names are neither blank nor duplicates.
- if (anyNA(names) || any(names == "")) {
- warning_text <- paste0(warning_text, sep = "<br>",
- "Each row must begin with a non-blank dataset name."
- )
- } else {
- if (length(unique(names)) != length(names)) {
- warning_text <- paste0(warning_text, sep = "<br>",
- "The rows contain duplicate dataset names."
- )
- }
- if (any(names %in% react_values$data_table[, 1])) {
- warning_text <- paste0(warning_text, sep = "<br>",
- "The rows contain dataset names which already exist."
- )
- }
+ names <- trimws(datasets[, 1])
+ units <- trimws(datasets[, 2])
+ counts <- apply(data.frame(datasets[, 3:ncol(datasets)]), 1,
+ function(row) {
+ row <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(row))
+ toString(row[! & row >= 0])
+ )
- # Ensure the second entry in each row is a time unit equal to
- # "Days" or "Weeks".
- if (!all(units %in% c("Days", "Weeks"))) {
- warning_text <- paste0(warning_text, sep = "<br>",
- "The second entry in each row must be either 'Days' or 'Weeks'."
+ warning_text <- ""
+ # Ensure the dataset names are neither blank nor duplicates.
+ if (anyNA(names) || any(names == "")) {
+ warning_text <- paste0(warning_text,
+ "Each row must begin with a non-blank dataset name.<br>"
+ )
+ } else {
+ if (length(unique(names)) != length(names)) {
+ warning_text <- paste0(warning_text,
+ "The rows contain duplicate dataset names.<br>"
- # Ensure the counts in each row have at least one non-negative integer.
- if (any(counts == "")) {
- warning_text <- paste0(warning_text, sep = "<br>",
- "Each row must contain at least one non-negative integer."
+ if (any(names %in% react_values$data_table[, 1])) {
+ warning_text <- paste0(warning_text,
+ "The rows contain dataset names which already exist.<br>"
+ }
- output$data_area_warn <- renderUI(HTML(warning_text))
+ # Ensure the second entry in each row is a time unit equal to
+ # "Days" or "Weeks".
+ if (!all(units %in% c("Days", "Weeks"))) {
+ warning_text <- paste0(warning_text,
+ "The second entry in each row must be either 'Days' or 'Weeks'.<br>"
+ )
+ }
- if (warning_text == "") {
- # Add the new datasets to the data table.
- new_rows <- data.frame(names, units, counts)
- colnames(new_rows) <- c("Name", "Time units", "Case counts")
- react_values$data_table <- rbind(react_values$data_table, new_rows)
+ # Ensure the counts in each row have at least one non-negative integer.
+ if (any(counts == "")) {
+ warning_text <- paste0(warning_text,
+ "Each row must contain at least one non-negative integer.<br>"
+ )
+ }
- # Evaluate all existing estimators on the new dataset and update the
- # corresponding row in the estimates table.
- update_estimates_rows(new_rows, react_values)
+ output[[paste0(data_source, "_warn")]] <- renderUI(HTML(warning_text))
- showNotification("Datasets added successfully.",
- duration = 3, id = "notify-success"
- )
- }
- },
- error = function(e) {
- output$data_area_warn <- renderText(
- "The input does not match the required format."
+ if (warning_text == "") {
+ # Add the new datasets to the data table.
+ new_rows <- data.frame(names, units, counts)
+ colnames(new_rows) <- c("Name", "Time units", "Case counts")
+ react_values$data_table <- rbind(react_values$data_table, new_rows)
+ # Evaluate all existing estimators on the new datasets and update the
+ # corresponding rows in the estimates table.
+ update_estimates_rows(new_rows, react_values)
+ showNotification("Datasets added successfully.",
+ duration = 3, id = "notify-success"
- )
+ },
+ error = function(e) {
+ output[[paste0(data_source, "_warn")]] <- renderText(
+ "The input does not match the required format."
+ )
+ }
+ )
+# Load sample datasets.
+load_samples <- function(input, output, react_values) {
+ observeEvent(input$data_samples, {
+ names <- c()
+ units <- c()
+ counts <- c()
+ # COVID-19 Canada, March 2020 (weekly).
+ if (input$covid_canada) {
+ names <- c(names, "COVID-19 Canada 2020/03/03 - 2020/03/31")
+ units <- c(units, "Weeks")
+ counts <- c(counts, toString(Rnaught::COVIDCanada[seq(41, 69, 7), 2]))
+ }
+ # COVID-19 Ontario, March 2020 (weekly).
+ if (input$covid_ontario) {
+ names <- c(names, "COVID-19 Ontario 2020/03/03 - 2020/03/31")
+ units <- c(units, "Weeks")
+ counts <- c(counts,
+ toString(Rnaught::COVIDCanadaPT[seq(10176, 10204, 7), 3])
+ )
+ }
+ if (length(names) == 0) {
+ output$data_samples_warn <- renderText(
+ "At least one sample dataset must be selected."
+ )
+ } else if (any(names %in% react_values$data_table[, 1])) {
+ output$data_samples_warn <- renderText(
+ "At least one of the selected dataset names already exist."
+ )
+ } else {
+ output$data_samples_warn <- renderText("")
+ new_rows <- data.frame(names, units, counts)
+ colnames(new_rows) <- c("Name", "Time units", "Case counts")
+ react_values$data_table <- rbind(react_values$data_table, new_rows)
+ # Evaluate all existing estimators on the sample datasets and update the
+ # corresponding rows in the estimates table.
+ update_estimates_rows(new_rows, react_values)
+ showNotification("Datasets added successfully.",
+ duration = 3, id = "notify-success"
+ )
+ }
diff --git a/inst/app/templates/content/data/enter-data.html b/inst/app/templates/content/data/enter-data.html
index 621c785..f4d5e75 100644
--- a/inst/app/templates/content/data/enter-data.html
+++ b/inst/app/templates/content/data/enter-data.html
@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@
+<form class="mb-5">
{{ htmlTemplate("templates/content/data/enter-data/bulk-entry.html") }}
+ {{ htmlTemplate("templates/content/data/enter-data/load-samples.html") }}
diff --git a/inst/app/templates/content/data/enter-data/bulk-entry.html b/inst/app/templates/content/data/enter-data/bulk-entry.html
index 82a3ccf..30fab06 100644
--- a/inst/app/templates/content/data/enter-data/bulk-entry.html
+++ b/inst/app/templates/content/data/enter-data/bulk-entry.html
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
<h4 class="mb-3">Bulk entry</h4>
<!-- Button to toggle help text. -->
<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm" id="bulk-help-toggle"
- data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#bulk-help">
- Show required format
+ data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#bulk-help">Show required format</button>
<!-- Help text for bulk input format. -->
<div class="collapse mt-2" id="bulk-help">
<div class="card card-body border-primary">
- <p>Enter one or more rows in the following format:</p>
+ <p>Manually enter rows or upload a CSV file in the following format:</p>
<p class="overflow-x-scroll text-nowrap font-monospace">
<u>Dataset name</u>,<u>Time units</u>,<u>Case counts</u>
@@ -27,11 +25,24 @@
<!-- Data input area. -->
- <textarea id="data_area" class="form-control shiny-input-textarea my-3" rows="3" wrap="off"></textarea>
- <small id="data_area_warn" class="form-text text-primary shiny-html-output"></small>
+<div class="my-4">
+ <label class="form-label" for="data_area">Enter manually</label>
+ <textarea id="data_area" class="form-control" rows="3" wrap="off"></textarea>
+ <div>
+ <small id="data_area_warn" class="form-text text-primary shiny-html-output"></small>
+ </div>
+ <button id="data_bulk" type="button" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm action-button mt-3">
+ <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> Add
+ </button>
+<!-- File input for data upload (hidden). -->
+<input class="form-control" type="file" id="data_upload" accept="text/csv,text/comma-separated-values,text/plain,.csv">
+<!-- Custom button to trigger file selector for data upload (visible). -->
+<label class="form-label" for="data-upload-select">Upload a CSV file</label>
+<div class="input-group">
+ <button id="data-upload-select" type="button" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm">
+ <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-file"></span> Select file
+ </button>
+ <input type="text" id="data-upload-name" class="form-control" placeholder="No file selected" disabled>
-<!-- Submit data. -->
-<button id="data_bulk" type="button" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm action-button">
- <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> Add
+<small id="data_upload_warn" class="form-text text-primary shiny-html-output"></small>
diff --git a/inst/app/templates/content/data/enter-data/load-samples.html b/inst/app/templates/content/data/enter-data/load-samples.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a42a8c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/app/templates/content/data/enter-data/load-samples.html
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<h4 class="mb-3">Load samples</h4>
+ checkboxInput(inputId = "covid_canada", label = "COVID-19 Canada, 2020/03/03 - 2020/03/31 (Weekly)",
+ value = FALSE, width = "100%"
+ )
+ checkboxInput(inputId = "covid_ontario", label = "COVID-19 Ontario, 2020/03/03 - 2020/03/31 (Weekly)",
+ value = FALSE, width = "100%"
+ )
+ <small id="data_samples_warn" class="form-text text-primary shiny-text-output"></small>
+<button id="data_samples" type="button" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm action-button mt-3">
+ <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> Add
diff --git a/inst/app/www/script.js b/inst/app/www/script.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c31584f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/app/www/script.js
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+$(document).ready(() => {
+ // Enable tooltips.
+ $('[data-bs-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip();
+ // Toggle the text in the bulk data help button.
+ $('#bulk-help-toggle').on('click', event => {
+ btn = $(;
+ show_format = 'Show required format';
+ btn.text(btn.text() === show_format ? 'Hide required format' : show_format);
+ });
+ // Trigger the file selector via a custom button.
+ $('#data-upload-select').on('click', () => {
+ $('#data_upload').trigger('click');
+ });
+ // Display the name of the uploaded file.
+ $('#data_upload').on('change', event => {
+ $('#data-upload-name').attr('placeholder',[0].name);
+ });
diff --git a/inst/app/www/styles.css b/inst/app/www/styles.css
index f6c4407..d53a387 100644
--- a/inst/app/www/styles.css
+++ b/inst/app/www/styles.css
@@ -20,7 +20,11 @@ noscript {
margin-top: -0.5rem;
-td.selected {
+td.selected, .shiny-notification {
background-color: black;
color: white;
+#data_upload {
+ display: none;
diff --git a/sample-entry.html b/sample-entry.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 92b9131..0000000
--- a/sample-entry.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<h4 class="mb-3">Sample entry</h4>
-<!-- Checkboxes -->
-<input type="checkbox" id="march" name="myCheckbox" value="isChecked">
-<label for="myCheckbox">Covid-19 March 2020</label>
-<input type="checkbox" id="april" name="myCheckbox" value="isChecked">
-<label for="myCheckbox">Covid-19 April 2020</label>
-<input type="checkbox" id="may" name="myCheckbox" value="isChecked">
-<label for="myCheckbox">Covid-19 May 2020</label>
-<input type="checkbox" id="june" name="myCheckbox" value="isChecked">
-<label for="myCheckbox">Covid-19 June 2020</label></div>
-<div><input type="checkbox" id="july" name="myCheckbox" value="isChecked">
-<label for="myCheckbox">Covid-19 July 2020</label></div>
-<!-- Submit button -->
-<button id="sample_entry" type="button" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm action-button">
- <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> Add
-<!-- Warning area. -->
- <small id="sample_area_warn" class="form-text text-primary shiny-html-output"></small>
diff --git a/uploadData-entry.html b/uploadData-entry.html
deleted file mode 100644
index c1b05c8..0000000
--- a/uploadData-entry.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-<h4>Upload Data</h4>
-<div class="my-3">
- <div id="fileInput" class="col-md mt-5 mt-md-0 d-flex flex-column align-items-left">
- {{ fileInput('upload_csv', 'Choose CSV File', multiple = F, accept= '.csv') }}
- </div>
- <small id="data_load_warn" class="form-text text-primary shiny-html-output"></small>
-<!-- Submit button -->
-<button id="data_load" type="button" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm action-button">
- <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> Add
-<!-- Output message -->
-<div class="my-3">
- <p id="output_message"></p>
-</div> \ No newline at end of file